Morgan (in brown), Gaby (in the middle), Amelia (lower left) with our good friends the Keeler's. That is Delaney (in the pink) and Teegan (in the light blue). We grabbed our dogs and went for a hike and ended up at the Kallmunz castle ruins. Check out how far the dogs tongues are hanging out! Some random rock design in a park near the river. It always amazes me that these German towns are built right next too and even into the side of the cliff/hill/mountain. As you can see there is plenty of land where I am standing but the town streets are so narrow we would call them alley's but they are 2 lane roads! I think these look like giant zucchini flowers. I think this house is pretty. I think this house is crazy! ( and yes, there are people living there) This is a converted bomb cellar--it's now an apartment.
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